Latest Content
Below are some of my latest multi-topic content that I felt was worthy of sharing.
Babylon Rising – part 3 The Vaccine Agenda
Through the lethal power of this poisoned needle, the simple zymotic (contagious) diseases of the past have been devolved into the horrors of the present — our terrifying and expanding crop of ‘killer diseases’. Many of these strange ‘mystery diseases’ that baffle the entire medical world, are the sordid products of vaccine poisons that disturb the chemical balance of the body and interfere with normal functioning.
Eleanor McBean
Babylon Rising – part 2 What Really Makes One Sick
Are human beings really under regular attack by external invading viruses? Is the Divine design of the human body so feeble? Is there an alternative theory for the cause of illness that may be more logical and plausible.
Babylon Rising – part 1 The Fear Pandemic
What exactly is this global enemy called COVID 19? Why is it only affecting mostly the elderly and the most vulnerable of society? Is this virus something to fear as has become so evident in society as everyone diligently obeys the lockdown regulations. Will we ever return to normal life again.
Allow me to share my findings from my research.