Eagle Saints – Chapter 3

Eagle Saints – Chapter 3

Eagle Saints – Chapter 3


The six chapters of this book are made up from a series of messages written and published in a booklet form in earlier days of this writing ministry.

Don’t be fooled by the simple titles and the familiar subjects of this book. There are truths revealed here that are not generally preached or written about. Using simple illustrations as Eagles, chickens, horses, and the lives of Old Testament men of God, the Holy Spirit has brought forth some profound truths concerning the Body of Christ and the Sons of God. These things are vitally important to you.

Our purpose in these messages is to show that God has a people that are rising above the earth-bound conceptions of carnal men and their static theology. The ecclesiastical orders and religious organizations of our day would keep God’s people in spiritual slavery if they could.

But thank God, the Truth is flowing like a river in this generation, freeing the minds of the elect from the traditions of men, enabling them to soar to new heights of revelation. God is not dead, and the Holy Spirit has not stopped opening up the Scriptures to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to believe. The Word is coming forth as “strong meat” to those who are growing up to “full age”. His promises to us in this hour are so great as to stretch our faith… But He is able. Bless His glorious Name!

The revelations brought forth in this book are not the ultimate of God, no such claim is made. But as we eat of His Word, and digest the Truth, then He will draw back the Veil and reveal more of the glory and beauty of the Christ. Beloved, be not fearful of that which you have not heard before. His Spirit will lead you into all truth. If you are of His fold, you will hear and recognize His voice, and you will know that you are being introduced to deeper truths.

And now, may God bless you as you open this book, with your Bible near at hand, to carefully and prayerfully consider these things that our dear Lord has given me to share with His Body. May the spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Him be yours at this time!

In Him ~ Brother Bill Britton

Chapter 3

Upreach and Outreach

The way of the Spirit is to reach for the tops of the mountains. The way of the carnal mind is to settle there and build tabernacles. But the way of the spirit is to praise God for victory, and hunt for higher mountains. God has a people called to walk in the Spirit!

Stop here and read Ephesians 1:9-18 in your Bible. Without taking space to reprint all that portion in this book, I want to refer to several verses.

Verse 11 tells us that in Christ we have been predestinated to an inheritance. (1 Peter 1:4 says “to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you… ready to be revealed in the last time.”)

Now these scriptures begin to tell us something about our inheritance, and just when it is to be fully revealed. “In the last time.” That’s the day that’s beginning to dawn now, beloved. Now just what is this inheritance like? If you were a genuine heir (and you really are, you know) you would want to know something of what you were going to inherit, wouldn’t you? Unless of course it was a secret, a mystery. And this inheritance has been a glorious mystery, hidden from ages and saints, to whom He would make known the glory of this mystery. Now do you want to know what it is?

That Glorious Inheritance

Someone says “It’s a gold mansion, up in the skies somewhere. A great big house with lots of rooms, beautiful furniture, three or four stories high, etc. etc”. What’s all those rooms for? You going to have company? Not me. If we all get a big house, I’ll have my own. Not your husband, or children. They’d all have their own house (and furniture to take care of?). What kind of furniture you going to have? A refrigerator? TV? Air conditioner? What are you going to have in all those rooms? Bedrooms? (Who will be sleeping where there is no night?) Kitchen? (What will you cook?) Bathroom? What for? Can’t you just see this false city we have all built up in our natural imaginations. Multitudes of lonely people, each sitting around in a big 40 room gold house, with no one to enjoy it with?

Alright now, lets sanctify that carnal mind and see what God really has for us. The reality of the Spirit is much better than the fanciful dreams we have built up in our natural minds, so limited and finite.

There is an inheritance. Of this there is no doubt. Then there must be a people who will receive this inheritance. This is sure. It is reserved “for you who are kept by the power of God through faith…” Hebrews 9:15 tells us that Jesus had to die in order for us “to receive the promise of eternal inheritance”. Hallelujah!

We Now Have a Foretaste

God has not left us in the dark regarding this wonderful inheritance. He has given us an earnest or “foretaste” of the fulness. Turn back to Ephesians 1:13-14 and read: “After that ye believed, ye were sealed with THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE, WHICH IS THE EARNEST OF OUR INHERITANCE UNTIL THE REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION.” Now let me read verse 14 again to you in the Amplified New Testament: “THAT SPIRIT IS THE GUARANTEE OF OUR INHERITANCE, THE FIRST FRUIT, THE PLEDGE AND FORETASTE, THE DOWN PAYMENT ON OUR HERITAGE, IN ANTICIPATION OF ITS FULL REDEMPTION AND OUR ACQUIRING COMPLETE POSSESSION OF IT, TO THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY.”

Alright, what did you see? It is very plain that the INHERITANCE is of the very same substance and quality as the FORETASTE, only it is the fulness of what we have now received only a down payment or pledge. And the foretaste of this inheritance is that Holy Spirit which you received after you believed on Jesus Christ. Be honest now, could I possibly make it any plainer?

Give Us More!

When Paul laid his hands on those twelve men at Ephesus and heard them speak in tongues and prophesy, they received something real and genuine. What was it? It was the down payment on their inheritance. When the Holy Ghost fell on the house of Cornelius, causing them to speak in tongues and magnify God, they were giving evidence of having received something they wanted a lot more of. For who is there who has ever received a real genuine baptism with the Holy Ghost that has not hungered for more, and more, and more? Well, good news. What we have received is only the earnest, a pledge, on an inheritance purchased for us by the death of our Lord Jesus. Incorruptible, undefiled, reserved, eternal… Glory to God, I feel like shouting. And I think I will!

I love my Holy Ghost Baptism. I love the gifts and operations of the Spirit. I love the anointing I feel right now. For these things are a “measure” or portion of what I am going to live with and enjoy through all eternity. You might say these things constitute a “golden brick” in my heavenly Mansion. All right now, get mad with me, but it’s the truth anyhow!

Spirit of Revelation

Let’s go back to Ephesians. In verse 17 Paul prays that God would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. So that you might have some spiritual understanding of the things of God, and that you might know “what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” Oh, dear ones, there is so much to know about Him, about this glorious inheritance, and our minds are so dull, so natural. God help us see.

There is so much I want to tell you in this message, but you must have a spirit of revelation if you are to understand. The same spirit of revelation that was given when these things were written. Don’t let doubts and limited vision keep you out of the Promised Land, the glorious land of inheritance. It is yours! He has bought it for you, it is paid for, and now it is time to cross Jordan and enter in. The Day is at hand!

Oh, I must get out of this glorious book of Ephesians, or I’ll never finish this message. Let us turn to Philippians 3:12-14…

The High Calling

Now Paul says that God apprehended him so that he might apprehend something. What? Well, whatever it was, he hadn’t yet received it after many years of faithful and fruitful ministry. Now if you think this High Calling that Paul was reaching for was Heaven, I can assure you it wasn’t. For Paul was doing everything in his power to press toward the mark for that prize of the High Calling, but he had a lot of chances all down thru his life to go to heaven. If he had just stayed out of that basket in Damascus, those Jews would have seen to it that heaven would have received Paul at the very beginning of his ministry. Some Jews at Lystra actually drug Paul out of the city and left him for dead, until the saints got around him and prayed. Can you imagine someone praying you away from your high calling? And then Paul had an excellent chance to go to heaven, right from the city of Jerusalem, with 40 thirsty Jews to help him make it. But he had to go and spoil their plans, and no telling how many of them starved to death over it. No, what Paul was reaching for was not heaven. He knew that heaven was for “Whosoever will”. He was after something greater. He was after a prize. Heaven is not a prize, it is a GIFT of God’s grace. Heaven is for “whosoever will”, the dying thief, the deathbed repenter,** the thirty-fold Christian. Paul said “I run that I may obtain.” Paul was after God’s greatest offer to man.

It is Not the Gifts

At the time Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he had enjoyed a marvelous ministry of power, and abundance of the Gifts of the Spirit, miracles too numerous to count, filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues more than any. But all this was not the High Calling. And to think that some say today that they have arrived, when they don’t have a fraction of what this little old foot-weary traveling preacher had. And yet he freely admitted that he had not yet apprehended what he was after. And brother, neither have I. Hallelujah!

This High Calling is not the building of a lot of churches, or attaining to an Apostleship. Paul had all that. It was not getting visions or revelations, or supernatural visitations or experiences. It is something far beyond all that… It is the fullness of what we have only received the foretaste or pledge. It is that which no man, except Jesus of Nazareth, has ever come into as yet, but which is reserved for the end-times. It is now the End-time. We are about to move in…

It is Written

Where did Paul find these glorious truths? Did an angel come down in the night and visit with him and unveil these wonderful secrets? Did he take a trip to far off Tibet to learn the secrets of the sages? Of course not! Then how did He find out about this High Calling and the Fulness of the Spirit?

IN THE BOOK! “To the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) And in Acts 24:14 and 26:22, Paul himself said that he never preached anything except that which was already written in the Law and the prophets. So it must be there. Sonship, High Calling, Overcomer, Body of Christ, Inheritance… Paul preached it all and he preached it from the Book!

If what they preach is not in the Bible, then you can be assured, beloved, it is not what you and I are after. It is not what Paul was after. Some of them are gone on to perdition now, but I have heard them in times past… I have heard them speak the blasphemous thoughts of their corrupt minds. “Bury the old black lids of death” (they said) “we don’t need the Book any longer, it is only a crutch for the feeble, a light only for those in darkness, we now speak His Word today, and we are the living Word, we don’t need the dead letter.” So they throw the Book away, mostly because they can’t find their “revelations” in it.

But hear me today, and hear me good… this kind of heretic is not in the true Move of God for this hour. They are not God’s elect. What they have is not the Latter Rain, it is only the devil’s drizzle and is as poison as carbolic acid, and twice as useless.

And Now… Up We Go

Let’s go back to Ephesians. Chapter three, and in verse 18 where Paul prays that you might be rooted and grounded in love that you “May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with ALL the fulness of God.”

Do you really believe that? That God wants you to be filled with all the fulness of God? Someone might say “Oh, I wouldn’t have the nerve to say that”.. Well, you don’t have to, He had the nerve to say it for you! This is His desire for His people. Not that they might just live on a lower plane of existence, feeding on doctrines, programs, increase in numbers, bigger and more elaborate buildings, frustrations in spirit… No, but God wants you to have the fulness… OF HIM! Well, I didn’t say it, go back and read Ephesians 3:19 again.

Now God wants you to comprehend, to know and understand what is the LENGTH and BREADTH, and the DEPTH and HEIGHT. The length and breadth speaks to us of the outreach of God. Look at the Horizontal crossbar on Calvary’s Cross… with those precious hands stretched out to gather in the whole creation to His bosom. God has always been interested in the salvation of lost mankind. There is infinite and eternal grace to the “whosoever will” of God… the length and breadth.

Now look at the vertical upright part of the Cross on which Jesus hung. It speaks to me of the depth and height. Friends, you will never know the full depth to which Jesus went in order to redeem back His own. I could spend the rest of my time telling you of that journey, from Heaven to earth, then from earth to hell, because of His love to usward. Hallelujah! But thank God, He made the journey back again, victorious over earth and hell, over sin and sickness, and has now been exalted above the highest heaven, praise His Name!

But now the heights… Oh, friends, what a glorious upreach in God has been available through our Lord Jesus Christ to those who dare to believe. It is beyond our wildest imagination. “Exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (verse 20).

God’s Holy Climbers

In every age, while carnal man has been trying to expand his gains, build bigger barns, make a name for himself… God has had a people who have been climbing God’s spiritual mountains. Let others talk of their big deed, their great progress, their much gain in the realm where in they dwell. The Mountaineers of the Spirit continue to leave these earthly things behind, and press on to higher places in God. And it is these earnest seekers after God who have made possible every new Move of the Spirit since God has been dealing with man.

Abraham–Friend of God

While Babel was being built, while men were saying “Let us make us a name, lest we be scattered…” God was searching for a man who could hear His voice. This was in Babel’s beginning, when God came down and confused their language so that they could not understand one another. And so it has been, and so it is today… men at one another’s throats, trying to destroy each man his neighbor, because they cannot understand each other’s language. But now we are living at the time of the destruction of Babel’s great tower, and God shall turn to the people a pure language. And there shall be peace.

But God found a man who could hear His voice. And the message was not an easy one. To leave his family, his friends, all that he had worked for, all that he had accumulated in this world. To leave behind the opportunity for greater gains and expansion in Babylon’s comfortable surroundings. And where was this call leading him? He did not know. God would not tell him.

But some went with him who were not called to this high calling. Lot just liked the prosperity of being with Uncle Abraham. There are those “fellow travelers” who just go along for the ride. As long as it is a smooth ride. They like the message, like to feel the anointing of the Spirit, like the freedom of worship. But they are not called. And they must be separated. I can tell you by experience that Abraham did not like the idea of losing Lot. In that strange land with so many enemies, and so few of their own group, every friend counted. But God said Lot had to go. He was not called. Now, I’m sure Lot would have been very indignant to think that anyone could say that he was not called. After all, look how far he’s come in this thing. He’s left Ur and Babylon hadn’t he? He hadn’t stopped at Haran with Terah, had he? Yes, but he did not have the Upreach spirit. He was interested in the well-watered plains of Sodom, he was anxious to make gains in the land, to expand, to make an outreach.

But Abram’s eyes were on the mountains. And it was here, AFTER he was separated from those not in the High calling, that God let him see his inheritance. “Look, Abram, north and south, east and west. All you can see is yours. I’m going to give it to you.” But are you sure you’re able to do this Lord? This won’t bankrupt heaven, or run you short? Don’t be silly, and don’t be afraid to take what God offers. You don’t know how big God is, what He is able to do or give.

Abraham believed. Thus it is recorded. There is much for those who will believe. Who were the “bigshots” in Abraham’s day? Who were the tribal princes, the governors, the senators, the kings? No one knows. But we have an eternal record of who it was that dared to walk with God, and believe what God said!

While Lot tried to expand his possessions, finally losing all that he had, Abraham was pressing upward to the top of God’s mountain for his day, breaking into a new place in God that man had not come to before. He became the father of a nation of chosen and elect.

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

On the muddy banks of Jordan, standing barefoot and clothed in strange garments was the son of a Temple priest. To follow his father, Zacharias, meant that John could have stepped into the “inner circle” of those who attained to the high office of Temple priesthood.

But Jerusalem had become a place of sin and treachery. And the glory of the Temple was a man-made thing. While Jerusalem gloried in her attainments and boasted of her man-made beauty and strength, God was calling for someone to come outside the walls and press upward into a new place in the Spirit. God had left the old order, but they did not know it, for they had never recognized Him anyhow.

None Greater than John the Baptist

There was no one to follow, no one to show him the way. This was a leadership of the Spirit. He could not follow his father, much as he loved him, for Zacharias was trapped in the old order. But “bearing His reproach” John went outside the gates, oblivious to what others might think of him. Hearing only the voice of Him that spoke from Heaven.

And John reached a height in God no one had ever come to. Alright now, wouldn’t you like for the record to show that Jesus said of YOU that “there is none greater”? He was the voice that introduced the Son of God in the most momentous Move of God that had ever come to earth. And he was that voice because he had heard the call, and dared to believe and to climb God’s highest mountain for his day. Glory to God!

Why Don’t You Evangelize?

No doubt this could have been said to the disciples in the upper room as the day of the great feast of Pentecost approached. Here they were, with the greatest message ever given to man, and doing nothing about it. Seemingly. They had seen the Lord alive. They had proof of His resurrection. They had a story to tell, a message to preach. Then why weren’t they out telling those multitudes of Jews about it? The city was teeming with men from many nations. This was their opportunity. The timing was divinely appointed, it seemed.

But where were they? Having a secret prayer meeting, all by themselves. No burden for lost souls, some might say. No zeal for the message. Oh, the reproach that comes with being a spiritual pioneer. No one understands, no one seems to hear. But they had heard the voice of their Lord, and they were obeying. It seemed as tho the day of opportunity would come and go, and that God would miss reaching the multitudes. But God was not late. He never is. We may get nervous, and excited, but God knows what He is doing.

So while others feasted and played, they fasted and prayed until they broke into a new realm in God that the church had never come to before. They came into a new dimension in the Spirit. They walked where men had never walked before. And they opened a door of the Spirit for men everywhere and in all generations. All because they had heard the voice of the Lord, obeyed, and dared to believe.

The Just Shall Live by Faith

The door of spiritual blessing opened at Pentecost was never closed again, though the Church seemingly went into a period of great darkness. Men fought to expand the natural part of the Church. Great effort was made toward more outreach, but no upreach. As a result, the darkness that came was gross. Unspeakable things, not even edifying to talk about, took place in the Headquarters of the earthly organization, at Rome.

Then one day God reached right down in the middle of this mess and picked out a priest and spoke to his heart. He heard, believed, and on October 31, 1517 he forever inscribed his name in history when he nailed his 95 thesis to the door of his church in Wittenburg, and opened a door for men to rise out of the rottenness of Rome’s religion and come into a new Day in the Spirit.

Oh, Martin Luther had a good start on making gains in the realm where he found himself. He could have spent his time in outreach. But he had heard a divine call, and when he began an upreach into God, he stirred up all the demons in hell against him. The religious leaders of his day wanted to kill him, destroy him, why? Simply because it is in them to hate those who press upward into God for greater heights in the Spirit.

One thing you can depend on. Earthly organizations always encourage outreach, while they discourage and bitterly fight any effort for upreach. Look at history and you’ll see it’s true. It’s the very nature of the ecclesiastical systems, and they can’t change. And you can depend on it that they won’t change. God will finally destroy the system with the brightness of His glory. At times they may seem tender, they may seem to have occasional revival. But they can’t change. Those who press on to new dimensions in the Spirit always have and always will eventually come out of her.

Pentecost Restored

And now we come down to the turn of this century. Here we find the churches of the day, somewhat revived from time to time, but still trying to expand in the realm of salvation by faith. But here and there, scattered across the face of the globe were little groups of saints, or individuals, travailing for a greater Move of the Spirit.

In Topeka, Kansas in the year of 1900, a Methodist preacher by the name of Charles Parham withdrew from the evangelistic field to seek God. Others could not understand his actions. Where is your burden for souls, Bro. Parham? With a powerful evangelistic ministry, and an eloquent tongue, he could have been winning souls for Jesus. But where was he? In a big house in Topeka with a group of saints who were convinced that they didn’t have all that God had for them, and also convinced that it was time again for the Church to move into a greater realm of the Spirit.

So they began an upreach for God, but they met with tremendous powers of darkness bitterly opposing every step. Nevertheless, they pressed on into God.

Then on December 31, 1900 at a New Year’s tarrying meeting, a woman was filled with the Spirit and began to speak in other tongues. So what? The people next door to the big house knew nothing about this momentous occasion, and cared even less. But a door was being opened to the End-time Church to the glorious Baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire.

With this humble start, things began to happen around the world. Revival broke out in a sovereign move of the Spirit in Wales. Evan Roberts, and others, were caught up in a glorious hurricane of spiritual force, and a deluge of spiritual rain.

In the year of 1904 Frank Bartleman and others in Los Angeles were travailing in spirit for a mighty Move for that city. They were scorned and rejected by those who had eyes only for expansion and outreach within the realm of salvation by faith. They went to church after church seeking fellowship in the Spirit, but it seemed all they could do was to travail and groan in their spirits for an upreach in God. They were cast out.

A Mighty Breakthrough

God was hearing those who cried unto Him. And He reached down into Bro. Charles Parham’s little groups, now preaching in Houston Texas, and called a colored Nazarene preacher to go to Los Angeles. He went, preaching a new dimension in the Spirit, a new experience in God. He was rejected by the existing forms of religion. But God opened a door, an old building on Azuza Street. It was from here that mighty rivers of power and blessing began to flow out to the uttermost corner of the earth. Someone had dared to hear, believe, obey, and travail for greater things. God’s pioneers were moving on!

From this time there was a mighty outreach for the Gospel. Churches, cities, and nations were shaken by the mighty power of God expressed through His humble servants. Untold thousands of souls were swept into the kingdom in this great harvest. Churches sprang up all across the country in spite of violent and bitter opposition by the religious systems. This is the pattern. A new upreach in the Spirit always produced a greater outreach than ever thought possible under the old order of man. Look at the Early Church.

After a few years of glorious revival in the early years of this century, man began to take over. Organizations began to form. Fellowships, denominations, accrediting boards began to come into being in Pentecost. So that we may expand even further, they said. To hold our gains, more efficient missionary service. And expand they did. But as for upreach, it stopped. The Pentecostal revival became divided into many factions. Churches and preachers fought each other, while the world and the devil looked on and laughed.

A New Day is Dawning

Now it is time for another breakthrough. Men and women are groaning in the Spirit for that last great Move of the Spirit prophesied for the End-time. A great travail is now going on, unseen by most who are admiring their beautiful system and pointing to the great expansion and gains they have made.

But the elect are crying to God to bring them into the fulness of the inheritance. What happened on Azuza Street was a restoration of the “firstfruits” or the “Earnest”. But it is the end time. Time for the revealing of the full inheritance. God has promised. The restoration of the earnest was to prepare our hearts for that which is about to take place. The outpouring of the Spirit upon the denominational people in our day is not the end of the story, but is only to prepare them for this last great revival.

At the time God moved in a sovereign way into a Mennonite community and poured out His Spirit upon them, a powerful prophecy was given. Part of that prophecy said that what had happened previously in spiritual revival was as one and one half drops of water in a ten quart pail in comparison with that which is to follow. I believe it! The mightiest Revival this world has ever seen is on the way. I declare it in advance. I won’t have to tell you about it when it hits, you’ll be caught up in the most powerful Move of God in history! But I urge you today to be ready. Prepare your hearts to have faith. Things will take place that will stagger the natural mind. You will have to have divine faith to be able to believe for that which is to happen.

A Separation is at Hand

As in the day of Abraham, Paul, Luther, and every other spiritual pioneer, there is today a separation taking place. The walls of the old order are crumbling for those who are moving on in God. They find they cannot stay in the systems of man and come into this last great move, into the fulness of our glorious inheritance. Many times this brings about a tearing of our flesh, our natural sympathies and desires, as we are forced to say goodbye to those who have not heard the voice of Him who speaketh from Heaven.

But the whole creation groans for this day of release, and thank God it is at hand. Romans chapter 5 tells of the suffering that the called of God must go through, and of the glory that is to be revealed in us. The creation waits for the manifestation of this glory. It had not been revealed as yet in Paul’s day, even with all the benefits of Pentecost.

Verse 23 says that even we ourselves, who have every reason to be the happiest people on earth, (and we are) still groan within ourselves, waiting for this glorious end time event which shall bring us to full salvation, or deliverance over every enemy of mankind.

Will You Be a Pioneer?

Prepare your hearts. It is a great day. But you will meet with many adversaries, if you determine to go on with God. It is for the bold in spirit, for those who dare to believe for God’s best and highest. But to those who have seen the vision of the inheritance and tasted of the firstfruits, there is no choice. Live or die, sink or swim, they must press their way on to a new dimension in the Spirit for this last day.

And thank God, there is victory, a glorious victory. I can’t promise you an easy road, void of suffering. But I can promise you His Presence all along the way. This will come by a sovereign act of God. But it will come to those whose hearts are ready, prepared, and faithful. So stand thou fast in the faith, quit ye like men, for the ultimate victory over every enemy is at hand!



Eagle Saints – Chapter 3

Eagle Saints – Chapter 2

Eagle Saints – Chapter 2


The six chapters of this book are made up from a series of messages written and published in a booklet form in earlier days of this writing ministry.

Don’t be fooled by the simple titles and the familiar subjects of this book. There are truths revealed here that are not generally preached or written about. Using simple illustrations as Eagles, chickens, horses, and the lives of Old Testament men of God, the Holy Spirit has brought forth some profound truths concerning the Body of Christ and the Sons of God. These things are vitally important to you.

Our purpose in these messages is to show that God has a people that are rising above the earth-bound conceptions of carnal men and their static theology. The ecclesiastical orders and religious organizations of our day would keep God’s people in spiritual slavery if they could.

But thank God, the Truth is flowing like a river in this generation, freeing the minds of the elect from the traditions of men, enabling them to soar to new heights of revelation. God is not dead, and the Holy Spirit has not stopped opening up the Scriptures to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to believe. The Word is coming forth as “strong meat” to those who are growing up to “full age”. His promises to us in this hour are so great as to stretch our faith… But He is able. Bless His glorious Name!

The revelations brought forth in this book are not the ultimate of God, no such claim is made. But as we eat of His Word, and digest the Truth, then He will draw back the Veil and reveal more of the glory and beauty of the Christ. Beloved, be not fearful of that which you have not heard before. His Spirit will lead you into all truth. If you are of His fold, you will hear and recognize His voice, and you will know that you are being introduced to deeper truths.

And now, may God bless you as you open this book, with your Bible near at hand, to carefully and prayerfully consider these things that our dear Lord has given me to share with His Body. May the spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Him be yours at this time!

In Him ~ Brother Bill Britton

Chapter 2

The Harness of The Lord

There is a terrific operation of the Spirit going on today to bring the Sons of God into an absolute confinement to the perfect will of God. This is the Day of His Preparation, the day in which He is preparing the channel through which He shall pour forth His Glory for all the world to see. This channel is His Body in the earth, that glorious company of people who are being conformed through much tribulation and fiery tests to the Image of the Son of God. This is His “battle axe and weapons of war” with which He shall subdue kingdoms and overcome all His enemies. This is His “mighty and strong One” to whom He shall commit the work of judging this world. This is His Overcomer, His “great army” with which He shall bring the nations into submission. The weapons of their warfare are not carnal, natural weapons, but they are mighty weapons, mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. These are those who shall “be strong and do exploits.”

But before God can commit this great and tremendous ministry into their hands, they must submit themselves to the discipline of the Lord, letting Him truly be the Lord of their entire lives. We have long since dealt with the question of open sin, but now God is dealing with the inward rebellion of our own wills. Some good Christians are not now being so dealt with, for they are not in this Firstfruits Company, but nevertheless there is a real dealing of God going on within those who are called into the High Calling of God. This is a very real thing, and is the work of the Refiner’s Fire. To those who are going through it, some of its aspects are horrible, but very necessary, and the end result thereof is glorious as we are brought into absolute and complete submission to the will of our Lord.

It was in a minister’s conference and convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma that God gave me a vision which I want to share with you concerning this harnessing of our own wills. There were more than 30 ministers present in this particular Thursday morning service, and God, the Father of spirits, was present to deal with His sons, to correct them and discipline them to absolute obedience to His will. There was such a stern dealing in the Spirit that no one could go to the pulpit and minister, there was a reluctance among the ministers to say anything except that which was directly ordered by the Spirit. And as those men of God sat there in the awesome presence of Almighty God, some of them having many years of ministry, some missionaries, all of them capable of getting up and preaching a powerful sermon, I was impressed by the way they responded to the discipline of the Spirit. And in the midst of this terrific dealing of God with out spirits, the Holy Ghost gave me a vision…

I Saw the King’s Carriage

On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field stood a beautiful carriage, something on the order of a stagecoach, but all edged in gold, and with beautiful carvings. It was pulled by six large chestnut horses, two in the lead, two in the middle and two in the rear. But they were not moving, they were not pulling the carriage, and I wondered why. Then I saw the driver underneath the carriage, on the ground on his back, just behind the last two horses’ heels, working on something between the front wheels of the carriage. I though, “My, he is in a dangerous place; for if one of those horses kicked or stepped back, they could kill him, or if they decided to go forward, or got frightened somehow, they would pull the carriage right over him.” But he didn’t seem afraid, for he knew that those horses were disciplined and would not move till he told them to move. The horses were not stamping their feet nor acting restless, and though there were bells on their feet, the bells were not tinkling. There were pom-poms on their harness over their heads, but the pom-poms were not moving. They were simply standing still and quiet, waiting for the voice of the Master.

There were Two Young Colts in the Field

As I watched the harnessed horses, I noticed two young colts coming out of the open field, and they approached the carriage and seemed to say to the horses: “Come and play with us, we have many fine games, we will race with you, come catch us…” And with that the colts kicked up their heels, flicked their tails and raced across the open field. But when they looked back and saw the horses were not following, they were puzzled. They knew nothing of harnesses, and could not understand why the horses did not want to play. So they called to them: “Why do you not race with us? Are you tired? Are you too weak? Do you not have strength to run? You are much too solemn, you need more joy in life.” But the horses answered not a word, nor did they stamp their feet or toss their heads. But they stood, quiet and still, waiting for the voice of the Master.

Again the colts called to them: “Why do you stand so in the hot sun? Come over here in the shade of this nice tree. See how green the grass is? You must be hungry, come and feed with us, it is so green and so good. You look thirsty, come drink of one of our many streams of cool clear water.” But the horses answered them with not so much as a glance, but stood still, waiting for the command to go forward with the King.

Colts in the Master’s Corral

And then the scene changed, and I saw lariat nooses fall around the necks of the two colts, and they were led off to the Master’s corral for training and discipline. How sad they were as the lovely green fields disappeared, and they were put into the confinement of the Corral with its brown dirt and high fence. The colts ran from fence to fence, seeking freedom, but found that they were confined to this place of training. And then the Trainer began to work on them, with his Whip and His Bridle. What a death for those who had been all their lives accustomed to such a freedom! They could not understand the reason for this torture, this terrible discipline. What great crime had they done to deserve this? Little did they know of the responsibility that was to be theirs when they had submitted to the discipline, learned to perfectly obey the Master, and finished their training. All they knew was that this processing was the most horrible thing they had ever known.

Submission and Rebellion

One of the colts rebelled under the training, and said, “This is not for me. I like my freedom, my green hills, my flowing streams of fresh water. I will not take any more of this confinement, this terrible training.” So he found a way out, jumped the fence and ran happily back to the meadows of grass. And I was astonished that the Master let him go, and went not after him. But He devoted His attention to the remaining colt. This colt, though he had the same opportunity to escape, decided to submit his own will, and learn the ways of the Master. And the training got harder than ever, but he was rapidly learning more and more how to obey the slightest wish of the Master, and to respond to even the quietness of His voice. And I saw that had there been no training, no testing, there would have been neither submission nor rebellion from either of the colts. For in the field they did not have the choice to rebel or submit, they were sinless in their innocence. But when brought to the place of testing and training and discipline, then was made manifest the obedience of one and the rebellion that lay hidden in the heart of the other. And though it seemed safer not to come to the place of discipline because of the risk of being found rebellious, yet I saw that without this there could be no sharing of His glory, no Sonship.

Into the Harness

Finally this period of training was over. Was he now rewarded with his freedom, and sent back to the fields? Oh no. But a greater confinement than ever now took place, as a harness dropped about his shoulders. Now he found there was not even the freedom to run about the small corral, for in the harness he could only move where and when his Master spoke. And unless the Master spoke, he stood still.

The scene changed, and I saw the other colt standing on the side of a hill, nibbling at some grass. Then across the fields, down the road came the King’s carriage, drawn by six horses. With amazement he saw that in the lead, on the right side, was his brother colt, now made strong and mature on the good corn in the Master’s stable. He saw the lovely pom-poms shaking in the wind, noticed the glittering gold bordered harness about his brother, heard the beautiful tinkling of the bells on his feet… and envy came into his heart. Thus he complained to himself: “Why has my brother been so honored, and I am neglected? They have not put bells on my feet, nor pom-poms on my head. The Master has not given me the wonderful responsibility of pulling His carriage, nor put about me the golden harness. Why have they chosen my brother instead of me?” And by the Spirit the answer came back to me as I watched. “Because one submitted to the will and discipline of the Master, and one rebelled, thus has one been chosen and the other set aside.”

A Famine in the Land

Then I saw a great drought sweep across the countryside, and the green grass became dead, dry, brown and brittle. The little streams of water dried up, stopped flowing, and there was only a small muddy puddle here and there. I saw the little colt (I was amazed that it never seemed to grow or mature) as he ran here and there, across the fields looking for fresh streams and green pastures, finding none. Still he ran, seemingly in circles, always looking for something to feed his famished spirit. But there was a famine in the land, and the rich green pastures and flowing streams of yesterday were not to be had. And one day the colt stood on the hillside on weak and wobbly legs, wondering where to go next to find food, and how to get strength to go. Seemed like there was no use, for good food and flowing streams were a thing of the past, and all the efforts to find more only taxed his waning strength. Suddenly he saw the King’s carriage coming down the road, pulled by six great horses. And he saw his brother, fat and strong, muscles rippling, sleek and beautiful with much grooming. His heart was amazed and perplexed, and he cried out: “My brother, where do you find the food to keep you strong and fat in these days of famine? I have run everywhere in my freedom, searching for food, and I find none. Where do you, in your awful confinement, find food in this time of drought? Tell me, please, for I must know!” And then the answer came back from a voice filled with victory and praise: “In my Master’s House, there is a secret place in the confining limitations of His stables where He feeds me by His own hand, and His granaries never run empty, and His well never runs dry.” And with this the Lord made me to know that in the day when people are weak and famished in their spirits in the time of spiritual famine, that those who have lost their own wills, and have come into the secret place of the most High, into the utter confinement of His perfect will, shall have plenty of the corn of Heaven, and a never ending flow of fresh streams of revelation by His Spirit. Thus the vision ended.

Interpretation of the Vision

“Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” (Habakkuk 2:2) “Harness the horses: and get up, ye horsemen” (Jeremiah 46:4). I’m sure that many of you who can hear what the Spirit saith to the Church, have already seen what God was showing in the vision. But let me make it plain. Being born into the Family of God, feeding in the green pastures and drinking of the many streams of the unfolding revelation of His purposes is fine and wonderful. But it is not enough. While we were children, young, undisciplined, limited only by the outer fence of the Law that ran around the limits of the pastures, (that kept us from getting into the dark pastures of poison weeds), He was content to watch us develop and grow into young manhood, spiritually speaking. But the time came to those who fed in His pastures, and drank at His streams, when they were to be brought into discipline or “child-training” for the purpose of making them mature Sons. Many of the children today cannot understand why some of those who have put on the harness of God cannot get excited by the many religious games and the playful antics of the immature. They wonder why the disciplined ones run not after every new revelation or feed on every opportunity to engage in seemingly “good and profitable” religious activities. They wonder why some will not race with them in their frantic efforts to build great works and great and notable ministries. They cannot understand the simple fact that this Company of saints is waiting for the voice of the Master, and they do not hear God in all this outward activity. They will move in their time, when the Master speaks. But not before, though many temptations come from the playful colts. And the colts cannot understand why those who seemingly appear to have great abilities and strength are not putting it to good use. “Get the carriage on the road”, they say, but the disciplined ones, those in God’s harness, know better than to move before they hear the voice of the Master. They will move in their time, with great purpose, and great responsibility.

And the Lord made me to know that there were many whom He had brought into training who had rebelled against the discipline, the chastising of the Father. And they could not be trusted with the great responsibility of mature Sonship, so he let them go back to their freedom, back to their religious activities and revelations and gifts. They are still His people, still feeding in His pastures, but He has set them aside from the great purposes for the end of the age. So they revel in their freedom, feeling that they are the Chosen ones with the many streams of living water, not knowing that they have been set aside as unfit for His great work in this end of the Age.

And He showed me that though the chastising seemeth grievous for the time, and the discipline hard to endure, yet the result with all the glory of Sonship is worth it all, and the glory to follow far exceeds the suffering we endure. And though some lose even their lives in this training, yet they will share alike in the glory of His eternal purposes. So faint not, saints of God, for it is the Lord that doth bring thee into confinement, and not thine enemy. It is for thy good, and for His glory, so endure all things with praises and thanksgiving that He hath counted thee worthy to share His glory! Fear thou not the whip in His hand, for it is not to punish thee, but to correct and train thee, that thou mightest come into submission to His will, and be found in His likeness in that Hour. Rejoice thou in thy trials, in all thy tribulations, and glory thou in His cross, and in the confining limitations of His harness, for He hath chosen thee, and He hath taken upon Himself the responsibility of keeping thee strong and well fed, so lean thou upon Him, and trust not in thine own ability and thine own understanding. So shalt thou be fed, and His hand shall be upon thee, and His glory shall overshadow thee and shall flow through thee as it goes forth to cover the earth. Glory to God! Bless the Lord, He’s wonderful! Let Him be Lord of your life, friends, and complain not at that which He bringeth to pass in your life.

Plenty in the Time of Famine

For in the hour when famine sweeps the land, He shall feed by His own hand those who are submitted to His perfect will, and who dwell in the secret place of the Most High. When terror stalks the land, those in His harness shall not be afraid, for they shall feel His bit and bridle and know the guidance of His Spirit. When others are weak and frail and fearful, there shall be those who shall be strong in the power of His might, and shall lack for no good thing. In the hour when the traditions of the religious systems have proven false, and their streams have dried up, then His Chosen ones shall speak forth with the true Word of the Lord. So rejoice, Sons of God, that you have been chosen by His grace for this great work in this last hour.

The fence which kept the colts in their own meadows and their own pastures mean nothing to the team in the harness, for the gates open to them, and they go forth pulling the king’s carriage into many strange and wonderful places. They do not stop to eat the poison weeds of sin, for they feed only in the Master’s stable. These fields they trample under their feet as they go forth on the King’s business. And so to those who are brought into absolute subjection to His will, there is no Law. For they move in the Grace of God, led only by His Spirit where all things are lawful but not all things are expedient. This is a dangerous realm for the undisciplined, and many have perished in sin as they leaped over the fence without His harness and His bridle. Some have though of themselves as being completely harnessed and submissive to Him, only to find that in some avenue of their life there dwelled rebellion and self-will. Let us wait before Him until He puts His noose around us and draws us to His place of training. And let us learn of the dealings of God and the movings of His Spirit until at last we feel His harness drop about us, and hear His voice guiding us. Then there is safety from the traps and pitfalls of sin, and then shall we abide in His house forever!


Eagle Saints – Chapter 3

Eagle Saints – Chapter 1

Eagle Saints – Chapter 1


The six chapters of this book are made up from a series of messages written and published in a booklet form in earlier days of this writing ministry.

Don’t be fooled by the simple titles and the familiar subjects of this book. There are truths revealed here that are not generally preached or written about. Using simple illustrations as Eagles, chickens, horses, and the lives of Old Testament men of God, the Holy Spirit has brought forth some profound truths concerning the Body of Christ and the Sons of God. These things are vitally important to you.

Our purpose in these messages is to show that God has a people that are rising above the earth-bound conceptions of carnal men and their static theology. The ecclesiastical orders and religious organizations of our day would keep God’s people in spiritual slavery if they could.

But thank God, the Truth is flowing like a river in this generation, freeing the minds of the elect from the traditions of men, enabling them to soar to new heights of revelation. God is not dead, and the Holy Spirit has not stopped opening up the Scriptures to those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to believe. The Word is coming forth as “strong meat” to those who are growing up to “full age”. His promises to us in this hour are so great as to stretch our faith… But He is able. Bless His glorious Name!

The revelations brought forth in this book are not the ultimate of God, no such claim is made. But as we eat of His Word, and digest the Truth, then He will draw back the Veil and reveal more of the glory and beauty of the Christ. Beloved, be not fearful of that which you have not heard before. His Spirit will lead you into all truth. If you are of His fold, you will hear and recognize His voice, and you will know that you are being introduced to deeper truths.

And now, may God bless you as you open this book, with your Bible near at hand, to carefully and prayerfully consider these things that our dear Lord has given me to share with His Body. May the spirit of revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Him be yours at this time!

In Him ~ Brother Bill Britton

Chapter 1

The Way of the Eagles

Thunderheads rolled ominously over the Western hills, as the lightning bolts streaked across the sky. In a lush green valley below, two birds together in a barnlot reacted in different ways. Appearing similar in some ways, the birds were actually as different as day and night. The chicken, with her head down and her beak busy in the trash of the barnyard, stepped up her pace as she scratched among the debris and filth searching for grubworms, scraps, and bits of corn. Knowing that time was short, and that she would soon have to take refuge in the safety of the barn, she worked frantically to get a meal before the full fury of the storm struck.

 Quite strange was the appearance and actions of the other bird. He sat on a fence post, his head lifted to the sky and his sharp piercing eyes searching among the clouds. He stretched his wings lazily, and gusts of wind almost lifted him from his perch. It was a thrilling sight to see the magnificent wingspread, and it was easy to see that the feathers of his wings that had once been clipped back to prevent him flying away, had once again grown to their full length. It was obvious that this bird was not a chicken.

 Eagle in Captivity

 On a mountain peak far above the farm, the farmer had taken an egg from the nest of an Eagle. He had placed it under a sitting hen and hatched it out with a brood of little chickens. With much patience he had raised it and tried to tame it and make a domestic bird of it. But from the very first it had not fitted in with the routine of the chicken lot. It walked alone, for it found no fellowship with the other little chicks nor the hen. And tho from the day it hatched out it had known no environment but the domestic life about it, yet from deep within something of the wild, free nature of the eagle cried out that this was not “home”. As it grew larger, its wings had been clipped. Unable to fly, it sat in the barnyard daily, looking upward… its body confined to earth, but its heart in the sky. Not knowing why, unable to explain, yet knowing that there was a constant call from within to rise to greater heights in heavenly places above.

 Rising on Wings of the Storm

 The young eagle stretched the wings the farmer had failed to keep clipped, and as he did so his eyes caught sight of another great eagle riding on the wings of the wind, high above the storm clouds. At that moment his ears caught the sound of a sharp piercing cry from the eagle in the sky. Suddenly a gust of wind caught under his outstretched wings and lifted him from the post. With a shrill scream of victory and freedom, he left the barnlot forever and soared into the sky to meet those of his own kind.

 The Eagle Saints

 Beloved, I hope you can see what I’m getting at. I’m not the least bit interested in eagles or any other kind of birds just for their own sake. And neither is God, but He sure has a lot to say about eagles in the Bible. And what He has to say is very significant in relation to His saints, the Body of Christ, those who are called to the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.

 Eagles are symbolic of a certain class of Christians. “But they that wait upon the Lord… shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31). The “mounting up” process is important and necessary to the Sons of God who are to be caught up to the throne of God, conformed to the image of the Son of God and rule and reign with Him forever. But it only comes to those who will wait in His Presence until the Glory that shines from His face changes them from the image of the earthly into the image of their Heavenly King. Not everyone who enjoys the blessings of God’s grace and who believes in Jesus Christ to the saving of their souls will destroy the idols of earth that stand in the temple of their hearts, and pay the price to go on with God to heavenly places. But God has predestinated those whom He hath foreknown, and He has purposed that His glory shall be manifested in them. What opportunity! What glory! What a high calling! Praise God for His unsearchable riches, and for His love and mercy to the sons of men!

 Chickens or Eagles?

 Chickens also are symbolic of people. The only time chickens are referred to in the Bible, Jesus used them as a type of those people in Jerusalem who could not hear His message nor heed His call. They traveled in crowds, in broods, and they were earthbound. They kept their eyes upon the things of this world, scratching out a bare existence, and never lifted their heads to see Him who is from above. They ate the handouts that were cast to them, and searched greedily in the crowded barnlot for more to fill their bellies, much of it unclean. For the chicken is by nature an unclean bird, and will eat dead things and unspeakable filth. They are bound to their existence on the right and on the left by fences, and are satisfied.

 But not the eagle. For he has inherited a nature that cannot and will not survive in the confining captivity of the barnyard fowl. To be happy and to fulfill his purpose in life, he must be free to soar in the wide open spaces among the clouds of heaven. It seems lonely up there, for there are not many who will dare to rise to such heights, but the eagle does not care, for it is not in his nature to mingle with the multitudes or the majority.

 Characteristics of Eagle Saints

 There is much we can learn about our heavenly calling as we consider what the Bible says about eagles. Deuteronomy 32:11 tells us how the young eagle gets his introduction to the practice of soaring in the heavens. Let the eagle saints hear carefully. It says that the mother eagle “Stirreth up her nest”, “fluttereth over her young”, “spreadeth abroad her wings”, and “beareth them on her wings”. The times has come when the young eagle must leave the nest and strike out on his own. But looking down from the dizzy heights of the mountain peak, he is not ready to begin such a new and dangerous enterprise. He has “not passed this way before”, and he is reluctant to start out. So the mother eagle begins making things uncomfortable for him in the nest. The nest is so soft, so safe, so comfortable, and he is satisfied to remain there. None of this business of “trying out your wings” for him. So the mother eagle “stirs up the nest”. She tears up his soft bed, breaks the twigs until the jagged ends stick out. In other words, she begins to make life very miserable for him in the place that once had seemed so nice.

 Oh, saints of God, does it seem that God is dealing harshly with you? Is He tearing up your soft, comfortable nest? Does the place in God that once met such a need in your life now seem rough, tight, and uncomfortable? What is happening? The Lord is getting ready to push you off into heights you never dreamed of. Does the jagged edges of that which once was such a comfort to you now stab you with grief and pain? Have you been wondering what the trouble was, and perhaps doubt that you were even in the will of God? Doubt no longer, but expect in faith for the next great work of God to come forth in your life. It is not the wrath of God trying to destroy you. It is the love and wisdom of our God making you willing to take another big step in the plan and purpose of God for His Church. We, by nature, love security. So the Lord has to make us utterly sick of our “nest” in order to make us willing to launch out into pioneer spiritual journeys in the heavenlies.

 The Flutter of Wings

 Still the young eagle does not leave the torn up nest. So the mother eagle begins to “flutter over her young”. In other words, she begins beating him with her winds. The wings under which he once hid from all danger now have become his greatest enemy, it seems. What a terrible turn of events! To escape those terrible wings, he climbs to the side of the nest, and as she spreads her wings abroad, he hops upon her back. Where she goes now, he will go. For the nest has ceased to be the safe, warm home it once was. See the mother eagle now as she soars high into the sky, with the little eagle hanging on for dear life. High above the clouds she goes, and suddenly, without warning, she dives out from under the little eagle, leaving him hanging on nothing. He screams with fear as he tumbles through the air, but instinctively his wings stretch out and begin trying to catch the air. Down, down, down, he falls as his untried wings fail to function enough to hold him up. When it looks like all hope is lost and he is about to crash on the rocks below, the mother eagle swoops under him and bears him up on her wings. Glory to God, what a relief! Back into the heights of heaven they soar… on her wings. What a glorious feeling! But just as he thinks all is well and he is sitting on top of the world, the bottom drops out again. And the process starts all over again. This time his wings begin to operate a little better, become a little stronger. Until finally he learns how to catch the currents of air and soar by himself, needing no longer the mother to catch him from falling.

 The Rebel Falls

 But sometimes a little eagle is taken from the nest and refuses to fly. He will not try his wings. He just waits each time until the mother eagle catches him and bears him back unto the heavens on her wings. Time and again the process is repeated until the mother eagle is convinced that there is no hope for him, that she cannot teach him to launch out on his own. Now if he were a chicken, someone would watch over him, feed him, protect him. Not so the eagle. Either he learns to soar for himself, or he starves to death or becomes a prey of wild beasts. Knowing this, the mother eagle takes him high into the heavens for one last ride. Then with a wild screech of pain and disappointment, she dives out from under him and flies away, leaving him to drop to his death on the rocks far below.

 Eagle saints have a special training all their own. The flutter of His wings make us think sometimes that He is going to beat us to death. But the Bible says that if we do not receive His chastisement, it is a good sign that we are not Sons. When we are finally willing to leave the nest, trusting completely upon Him, then He takes us into heights of glory never before experienced. Well, everything seems wonderful, and we are rejoicing in our new and glorious experiences. Then suddenly the bottom drops out, and He is not there. As we drop from the dizzy heights of glory to the depths of gloom and despair, we flop our feeble wings desperately and unsuccessfully, and wonder why God has left us to perish like this. Suddenly He is there! And as He bears us on eagles wings back into the heavens, our strength and joy returns. Only to find that the process must be repeated. Over and over, until finally we find ourselves able to use our God-given “wings” and be sustained on high by the power of His strength within.

 But some that are offered Sonship, as eagle saints, refuse to move into this realm. They rebel against the processing of God. They resent being placed in the furnace of fire. They love the nest on high, the safety of His wings, but they despise the chastening, the discipline, the necessity of learning to stand alone in the heavenlies. He is patient. He is longsuffering. He works with them, giving them chance after chance. But some will not learn, will not yield their rebellious spirits to His will. So He finally leaves them to fall to destruction on the craggy rocks of a carnal earthly nature. You have seen them, and so have I. And I have wondered how that those who once soared among the stars could have fallen so low and come to such an end. How could some who had such revelation, such marvelous gifts and ministries, have come to the place where they could accept such heretical doctrines of devils? Or cheapen their ministry and sell out the gift of God for fame and fortune? It has happened, and you know it. It does not make the true revelation of the Spirit any less true. Nor does it take away from the reality of the Gift God had given them. It had been better if they had remained as chickens, in the safety of the barnlot. But they had prayed to be eagles, and God answered. But the tests had brought out the rebellious nature that would not submit wholly to the dealings and discipline of the Holy Ghost. And they fell. Now a chicken may fall off his roost, or off the chicken house, but he never falls far. For he never rises to great heights. But when an eagle falls, he falls a long way and is seen by many. But it is necessary, beloved, for there must be no rebels among those who make their nests on the tops of the mountains and soar above the storm clouds.

 Learning to Move in Heavenly Places

 Those who rule with Christ must rule from the heavens. For that is where the throne is. Many sing “I’ll fly away…”, and dream of a rapture by and by that will carry them from this sin cursed earth, past the moon and into the wild blue heavens to some geographical spot in this physical universe to a big supper all set and loaded with goodies for them to eat. And they know nothing of the purposes of God for His eagle saints who will actually be caught up to the throne to rule and reign. But the time is at hand. And the Spirit is unveiling and revealing hidden secrets from His Word to those who are called to the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. So He is teaching us to move in heavenly places. And sometimes it is terrifying. But His glorious Presence is there, comforting and reassuring. Praise God!

 The chicken yard is very confining. You can go so far, and no farther. The Plymouth Rocks stay in the Plymouth Rock pens, and the Rhode Island Reds remain in their allotted place. It would be scandalous if Farmer Brown’s hens slipped over to Farmer Jones and ate his corn, or laid their eggs in the wrong place. It doesn’t matter if you are in the Methodist pen, or Baptist, or Pentecostal, or whatever. You may cackle and crow about the advantages in your particular chicken yard over the others, but just be sure and remain within your set confines.

 Not so the eagles. No chicken yard could hold him. Put him in a cage and he will wither and die He can only live and find happiness in the freedom of the uncovered heavens. There is lots of room where the eagles gather. Unlimited revelation. Truth flows like a mighty River. No creeds, bylaws, or rigid statement of beliefs to separate the body of Christ. Sweet fellowship with all who dwell in this place, and no divisive man-made boundaries exist. Heavenly worship, gifts of the Spirit, and glorious deliverances are the order of the day here. The dull monotonous routine of a “chicken-yard” religious system is forever a thing of the past for those who rise on the wings of eagles into this place in God. What a variety of glorious treasures in the Holy Ghost there are for those who dare to believe, and who “are the called according to His purpose.”

 The Ishmaels and the Isaacs

 Some cannot believe this to be true. “We know what we now have”, they say. “We can see it, and at least it is something if not very much. But we cannot see this fantastic dream you are wishing for. A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and we will not leave this present order while we cannot see anything better in existence.” Yes, Abraham had Ishmael. Isaac was only a promise. But he was a promise of God. It was Abraham who said: “O that Ishmael might live before thee, God.” But God said: “In Isaac shall thy seed be called.” Ishmael was a mighty warrior, one to be admired by the natural man. He could produce. And he was Abraham’s son. But he was a child of rebellion. And he mocked at the weaning of Isaac. And God rejected him. For many years Isaac was only a promise, and one that seemed impossible to come into reality. Even to produce this promise. But, he only made a mess of things. God must bring this to pass. And He will. Little we know about the infant Isaac. Only that he was circumcised, that he grew, and was weaned. Glory to God, there are those today who are being weaned from the milk of yesterday’s traditions, and beginning to eat the strong meat of God’s Word!

 Isaac was a child who had a submissive spirit. He ascended into high places with his father and when he got to Mt. Moriah, he came down with resurrected life, in a figure. He was being made in the image of that One who had been slain from the foundation of the world. Oh, beloved, don’t settle for an earthly Ishmael experience and existence. The Isaac life is waiting for those who will believe. It may seem that it will never come, but God is not late. This High Calling is for those who with patience and faith will not settle for less than Truth and Reality. Hallelujah!

 The Face of an Eagle

 The prophet Ezekiel and the Apostle John both saw visions of the Sons of God. We find the stories in Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 4. Tho they were separated by more than 600 years, yet both visions had this in common… the living creatures had “the face of an eagle.” And John said that it was a “flying eagle”. Not one confined to earth. Glory to God! John saw the Great Storm that was coming upon the earth. But he saw, in type, those who would be as “flying eagles” to rise above the storm.

 Eagle in the Storm

 See the chickens, how they scurry about hunting for shelter when the storm breaks. Huddling together in their misery, hoping their shelter won’t crash down upon them, fearing every lightning streak and thunderbolt. Pity those who cannot find shelter, perhaps doomed to death by drowning or hail.

 Not so the eagle. The very same storm that pounds upon the poor earthbound creatures, produces the violent winds that lifts the eagle effortlessly above the storm clouds. Revelation 12:12 speaks of both classes when it says: “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!: Yes, the storm is breaking, and its full fury will fall upon those who have not known the way of the eagle.

 God is delivering many today from their earthbound existence, lifting them by the Holy Ghost into heavenly places in Christ. Things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. They do not fear the storm. The same persecution and tribulation that shall bring great travail upon a dead, backslidden church filed with earthly efforts, shall cause the eagle saints to soar to heights never before attained by man since the Pattern Son set the example. “Fear not the storm, my little ones, for thou art not children of the storm or of wrath. Look up. Lift up thy heads and rejoice, for thou art children of redemption, and thou hast inherited that heavenly nature. I have loosed the prison doors. Be thou free from thy captivity! Be not ensnared with the evil ways of this world’s systems, but learn thou the ways of thy God, and follow Him alone. Thus shalt thou rise above that which cometh upon the earth, to try them which dwell therein. And thou shalt not fear, for I am with thee, saith the Lord.”

 The Image of the Heavenly

 “The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” (1 Corinthians 15:47-49)

 “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open (unveiled) face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed (transformed, transfigured) into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3) “Which He wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and set him at His own right hand in the heavenly places…” (Ephesians 1:20) “And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:6) “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers (of darkness) in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Ephesians 3:10-11)

 “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling…” (Hebrews 3:1) “But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for He hath prepared for them a city.” (Hebrews 11:16) “But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.” (Hebrews 12:22)

 “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” (2 Corinthians 5:1)

 From these scriptures we can readily see that our calling is a heavenly calling. Let others tend the things of the earth. Let the dead bury the dead. Let the few who are called to this High Calling be about their Father’s business. This earthly body, or “house”, is only temporary. What He has prepared for His own is eternal, in the heavens. Praise God! The city of which we are a part, that bride of Christ, is above all a heavenly city, not part of this earth’s systems.

 And notice that the place in the heavenlies which we are to inherit, is now occupied by demons, principalities and powers, a place they usurped from Adam. From this place they are “rulers of the darkness of this world”. But God has purposed to bring forth a people that will ascend or be caught up to this place and cast Satan and his army down. Jesus did it, and He was the Pattern. But He purposed not to be alone in this, but was planted as a living seed that should bring forth a great harvest in His likeness.

 Notice that the scriptures above show us that the image of the earthy nature we have borne in time past is to be changed. We are to bear the image of the heavenly, the One who has been exalted higher than the heavens, Jesus Christ our Lord. Even now, the beholding of His glory is bringing about a transformation from within us. Glory to God!

 Notice that these heavenly places where we are to dwell are not in some geographical location a few billion miles from earth. They are “heavenly places in Christ.” It would be comforting to know, if it were true, that Satan and his army were right now a few million miles away in outer space. But this is not so. You don’t have to look far to discover that the powers of darkness are right here on this earth, working in the hearts and lives of men and women. But as Paul says, they are “wicked spirits in the heavenlies.” Instead of just accepting and believing what the Bible says about these things, the imagination of men has made a fable and a myth out of the truth of God’s Word. But now God is taking the veil away from our minds and revealing His Truth!

 The Eyes of the Eagle

 “Her eyes behold afar off” (Job 39:29). The eagle is noted for great vision. And so are eagle saints. They can believe for things that others, whose eyes are riveted to things of earth, cannot even see, or conceive of. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) But there is vision with the eagle saints. They are the pioneers of faith that break through into new realms in the Spirit.

 Noah was an eagle saint. He saw the judgment coming, and prepared for it. Others had no such vision, and perished. Enoch had eagle vision, and he saw the Lord coming with ten thousands of His Saints. He prophesied of these things, and he walked with God. Elijah saw the coming of a mighty deluge of life-giving rain, when it was only a little cloud like a man’s hand. Moses saw the deliverance of God’s people and the destruction of their enemies when every natural force and circumstance denied it. The vision of God’s eagle saints has never been limited by the confining limitations of natural circumstances. Isaiah, Joel, Malachi… every prophet of God has had eagle vision.

 Jesus had the greatest vision of any eagle saint that ever lived. Nothing escaped the eyes of Him who had come to lead His people to victory. “The heavens were opened” unto Him, and no power of darkness could escape his eye. He saw the hearts of men like no one else ever could. They did not have to voice their doubt, criticisms, or their needs. His eyes searched the inward parts. He was the Captain of the Eagle Saints. He was the Pattern to show us the Way of the Eagles.

 Eyes Within and Without

 The unveiling of the Spirit that comes to eagle saints works two ways. Revelation 4:6-8 tells us that they were “full of eyes before and behind.” Also “they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.” Ezekiel 1:18 says “their rings were full of eyes round about them four.”

 First there are the eyes within, that search the inward parts. The prophet Jeremiah gives a true picture when he says: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” But the answer comes in the next verse: “I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

 No man really knows what is in his own heart, until God tries him and puts him to the test. But God is putting a people through the fire today, and the light is revealing the condition of hearts. Saints who had always thought they were so very holy and clean, now are finding out that all the time there have been spirits imbedded deep within their very nature they had never before recognized. Horrible is the revelation, but a very necessary one. For to see one’s self is to draw back in revulsion and disgust and to cry to God for deliverance. And for the work that is to be done in this age, God must have a truly holy people.

 In Job chapter 42 the man of God suddenly sees the glory of God and also his own self-righteousness, and his whole attitude changes. Then deliverance comes. He says: “Therefore have I uttered that I understood not: things too wonderful for me, which I knew not… I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. For more than 30 chapters of this book Job steadfastly maintains his innocence and righteousness. But when he meets God face to face, he suddenly sees that his worst sin has been his own self-righteousness. He has blamed God for all his troubles, and has not been able to see himself. But he gets his “eagle vision”, and suddenly the eyes within begin to see his own Adam nature for what it is. Then can God bring him out of all his troubles and difficulties.

 Isaiah was a revered prophet of God. He talked with God, was heard by the nation, and walked in king’s courts. But one day (Isaiah 6) he got a vision of God, and also the eyes within saw what Isaiah looked like in the eyes of God. And this godly old man cried out in his misery: “Woe is me! For I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.” Praise God for the eyes within and without, for immediately there came a cleansing and deliverance! Notice the sequence. First came the operation of the eyes within, then the eyes without could do their work. After he had seen his own undone condition and confessed it, then he could see the condition of the people and minister to them. But not before. Too many are trying to cast demons out of others today while their own lives are full of bad spirits… jealousy, envy, greed, malice, fear, etc. See what happened to the sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13 when they tried to cast demons out of someone else before they had been to the Cross for themselves. “Cast the beam out of thine own eye, then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

 Think it not strange when you begin to see things in your life which you could never have admitted being guilty of. You see, Hebrews 6:7-8 tells us that the same rain that brings forth “herbs meet for them for whom it is dressed” also brings forth thorns and briars. Plow up a garden spot and you will see what I mean. During the cold, dark winter the frozen ground will produce nothing, either good or bad. But when the good seed is planted and the warm spring rains come, up comes every kind of weed imaginable. Where did they come from? How did they get into the soil if you didn’t plant them? They were there all the time, but needed the plowing and the warm rains to bring them forth. So the same latter rains of revival that bring forth the true fruit of the Spirit in our lives, also brings forth every ugly hidden thing that has lain dormant within and never been exposed or come to light. Then comes true deliverance, as we see our need and call upon God. For God must have and will have a people who will be “holy even as He is holy”.

 Watchman of the Wall

 True eagle saints also have sharp clear vision outwardly, and the enemy cannot penetrate their defences. Jesus is the perfect example and pattern. No one ever deceived him with smooth flattering words. No pious hypocrite ever survived under that piercing gaze. Even one of his own disciples was filled with the devil, but Jesus was not deceived. No matter that he was one of the leaders, and cast out devils in the name of Jesus. His innermost thoughts and intents of the heart was manifest in the sight of that great Captain of the Eagle Saints.

 This is a safeguard God has provided for the Church. See how a man and wife brought their deceitful gift to the Church, expecting to share equally with the others, but not willing to consecrate all as the others had. Was the Church deceived? No. For the eye of the eagle was there, “beholding afar off”. And their sin was discovered and judgment came. Hypocrites and sinners “durst not join themselves to them”, for the secrets of men’s hearts were made manifest. What a glorious testimony! 1 Corinthians 14:25 declares that this operation is for the local church, to be a part of every service if necessary… For the Bible says that when an unbeliever comes in your midst the saints will speak out the very secrets of his heart “Thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth” Do you see such as this in the local churches now? Not often. But I tell you of a truth, beloved, that it is coming. For eagle saints are even now being pushed out of their “nests” and are learning to move in heavenly places. You understand, of course, that I am not speaking in a natural, carnal sense as tho people’s bodies would be flying around in the sky like flying saucers or men from Mars. How foolish. And yet people seem unable to grasp what it means to be caught up to heavenly places in Christ. But it will happen. Then shall this world see the great manifestation of God in human flesh since our Lord Jesus was here upon the earth Himself.

 As Swift as the Eagle

 My time and space are gone, and there is still so much to say concerning the eagle saints. But I must say just one more word… Deuteronomy 28:49 and 2 Samuel 1:23 both speak of the swiftness of the eagle. “As swift as the eagle flieth”. This is characteristic of this great bird. Another place it says: “As the Eagle that hasteth to the prey”. (Job 9:26) Joel says: “They shall run like mighty men.” Matthew says the coming of the Son of man shall be “as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west: For… there will the EAGLES be gathered together.” (Matthew 24:27-28)

 Yes, He will do a quick work. And He will use His eagle saints who are quick to hear, quick to believe, and quick to obey. The time is at hand, the call is going forth. Turn loose every hindrance of earth and cast aside every weight, and rise with the wings of eagles into heavenly places where you belong! Glory to God, Hallelujah!


God of Wonders: Scientists prove Almighty God’s existence through Science

God of Wonders: Scientists prove Almighty God’s existence through Science

God of Wonders: Scientists prove Almighty God’s existence through Science

This documentary shows the works of GOD Almighty through science and nature. No longer can non believers declare the non existence of God in Science. The scientists in this documentary are some of the highest reguarded in the scientific community. This wonderful documentary is great for families and friends. Enjoy.

Is Genesis History

Is Genesis History

Is Genesis History

I watched a really great production on the creation story. I highly recommend watching, especially for those who hold to the theory of evolution or are uncertain of how to correct those who do.

Synopsis and cast. Del Tackett, the creator of Focus on the Family’s “The Truth Project”, narrates the film. The goal of Is Genesis History? is to make “a positive case that the Bible is historically reliable” through looking at the differing views of and questions concerning the origin of Earth, the universe, and man.

Below is the movie trailer. Watch the full movie now at http://isgenesishistory.com